gas fireplace Denver

Owning a gas fireplace in Denver should come at the price of keeping it in good condition and properly functioning for as long as possible. In this respect, it should be checked and perhaps fixed at least once per year. When looking for gas fireplace Denver maintenance tips, Denver residents rely on advice from the experts at Lehrer Fireplace and Patio.

Licensed gas inspectors check the fireplace’s venting system and also see if there are signs of corrosion, if the fittings and joint connections are done properly, and so on.

There are a few maintenance tasks that you should take care of. First of all, you should turn the pilot light off. This step is recommended especially in case you need to service your fireplace. At any rate, turning off the pilot light may also be a good idea in the summer, helping you save money on energy bills.

Cleaning the glass of your fireplace is yet another important maintenance task. This is usually done by removing the glass and placing it in a safe place, preferably on a soft cloth. Then you do the actual cleaning, with the help of cleaning solutions and products.

Another area which needs maintenance is that of louvers and airflow areas. Here you need to remove any dust or dirt that got accumulated over time.