Patio Furniture Buying Guide

The furniture that you use on your patio is an essential feature that ensures the comfort and function of the space. However, patio furniture comes in such a large array of styles and types that choosing what works best for you is a difficult task. Here are some tips...

Tips about Caring for Your Outdoor Furniture

When you invest into outdoor furniture, you must be aware that your precious furnishings will be exposed to a lot out there on your deck or patio and they will inevitably start showing the signs of wear and tear and of aging. However, you must also know that with the...

How to Jazz Up Your Pool Area

Restoring and upgrading your pool area does not have to be an expensive project – here are some ideas that can inspire you: Change the pool finish – blue is the common color for pool finishes. To create a fresh, cheerful appearance, pick some other finish or paint the...

How to Choose Low Maintenance Outdoor Furniture

The amount of maintenance work that you will have to put in with your outdoor furniture is among the most important aspects to consider when choosing your sets – here are some things to look for: Durable, easy to clean materials – teak, cedar and eucalyptus wood...